Friday photo, Photography, travel

Friday Photo: Malibu in Gray

Stilts, Malibu by imagebysp
Stilts, Malibu a photo by imagebysp on Flickr.

“Stilts, Malibu” from Stephen in London.

I spent the day in Malibu today, so I had to select a photo that did it justice. I am probably biased since I have some very personal memories of the place, but beyond the mythic, Hollywood-soaked images most of us associate with Malibu, there is a deeper, richer and darker side to it that not everyone appreciates. Stephen’s photo nails it.

It was clear and blue today, but as I was driving north along the coast the clouds began rolling in again. The sun is low in the sky now and I imagine that the beach has started to look much like it does here.

You can see more of Stephen’s black and white landscapes on his flickr stream.

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  • Reply candace eaton lindner April 1, 2011 at 10:43 am

    love the sense of the monochomatic– timeless but lonely…

  • Reply Erin April 2, 2011 at 11:50 am

    The tones and the light are what drew me to this, but also the sense of isolation. Thanks for commenting Candace!

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